| PKPG0852 | WWII American Figures (Qty 10) | | 1:144 | Awaiting | £6.99 |
 | PKPG0853 | WWII Russian Figures (Qty 10) | | 1:144 | Arrived | £6.99 |
 | PKPG3202 | Gladiators Set 2 Figures (Qty 10) | | 1:32 | Arrived | £12.99 |
 | PKPG3203 | WWII Russian Naval Infantry Figures (Qty 12) | | 1:32 | Arrived | £12.99 |
 | PKPG3204 | WWII German Fallschirmjäger Figures (Qty 10) | | 1:32 | Arrived | £12.99 |
 | PKPG7003 | California Mission Padres and Indian Figures (Qty 15) | | 1:48 | Arrived | £8.99 |
 | PKPG7004 | California Mission Indian Figures (Qty 11) | | 1:48 | Arrived | £8.99 |
 | PKPG7006 | Mission Animal Figures (Qty 30) | | 1:48 | Awaiting | £8.99 |
 | PKPG7007 | California Gold Miner Figures (Qty 16 & 5 Accessories) | | 1:48 | Arrived | £8.99 |
 | PKPG7050 | California Gold Miner Figures (Qty 32 & 10 Accessories) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7051 | California Mission Indian Figures (Qty 39) | | 1:72 | Awaiting | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7052 | Farm Animal Figures (Qty 64) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7100 | Gladiator Figures (Qty 36) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £9.99 |
 | PKPG7199 | WWI French Infantry Figures (Qty 40) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7201 | WWII 1943 German Waffen SS Figures Set 1 (Qty 46) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7202 | WWII 1943 German Waffen SS Figures Set 2 (Qty 43) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7204 | WWII German Mortar Figures Set (Qty 23 & 5 Mortars) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7224 | WWII German Fallschirmjäger Figures (Qty 40) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7228 | WWII Germans in Berlin 1945 Figures (Qty 39) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7267 | War Against Fascism Figures (Qty 16) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £9.99 |
 | PKPG7268 | WWII Russian Infantry Summer Figures (Qty 40) | | 1:72 | Awaiting | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7269 | WWII Russian Infantry Winter Figures (Qty 40) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7270 | WWII Russian Naval Infantry Figures (Qty 8 & Gun) | | 1:72 | Awaiting | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7271 | WWII Russian Infantry in Greatcoats Figures (Qty 40) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7272 | WWII Russian Infantry in Winter Dress Figures Set 2 (Qty 34) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7273 | WWII Russian Mortar Teams in Greatcoats Figures (Qty 24) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7274 | WWII Russian Support Weapons Teams in Greatcoats Figures (Qty 26) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7306 | WWII French Infantry Figures (Qty 40) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7351 | WWII US Rangers D-Day Figures (Qty 39) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7401 | US Marine Corps in Vietnam Figures (Qty 40) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7498 | WWII Russians Summer & Winter Figures (Qty 40) | | 1:72 | Awaiting | £9.99 |
 | PKPG7510 | German Infantry 75mm le IG18 Gun with Crew (Qty 8 Figures & Gun) | | 1:72 | Arrived | £10.99 |
 | PKPG7852 | WWII German Fallschirmjagers Prepainted Figures (Qty 20) | | 1:72 | Awaiting | £49.99 |