Foliage Clumps make it easy to replicate bushes, shrubbery and trees to your miniature base, terrain feature or gaming mat. Foliage Clumps can be plucked or pulled into any irregular size and shape. They are durable and perfect for gaming boards. Available in Light Green, Medium Green and Dark Green for seasonality.

Product Listing

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 Item No.ProductEraScaleETAPrice
Light Green Foliage ClumpsWG6461Light Green Foliage ClumpsMiscArrived
Medium Green Foliage ClumpsWG6462Medium Green Foliage ClumpsMiscArrived
Dark Green Foliage ClumpsWG6463Dark Green Foliage ClumpsMiscArrived

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Results

KEY: DS or SF suffix = DCC Sound Factory Fitted | DC suffix = DCC Decoder Factory Fitted | [W] suffix = Weathered finish | [PF] suffix = Passenger Figures Fitted | [L] suffix = Supplied with a Wagon Load

ETA : This indicates the release of the product to our network of Retailers and is subject to change without notice. E&OE.